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A Set of 14 Wooden Stations of the Cross Solid Wood Carving Room Decor Religious Gift Catholic Art Catholic Gifts Modern Christian Art
A Set of 15 minimalistic Wooden Stations of the Cross Unique Gifts Wood Wall Art Christian Art Home Gift Wooden Wall Art Jesus art
Set of Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary Statues Catholic Statue Catholic Home Altar Unique Catholic Gift Christian Gifts
Set of The Four Evangelists -St. John St. Mark St.Luke St. Matthew Apostles of Jesus Statues Wooden Religious Gifts Religious New Home Gift
Set of Three Wooden Archangel Statues - St. Michael, St. Raphael, and St. Gabriel Wooden Statue Religious Gifts Religious New Home Gift
11.8 Inches Set of Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary Statues Antique Style Catholic Statue Home Altar Christian Gifts
11.8 Inches Set of The Four Evangelists -St. John St. Mark St.Luke St. Matthew Antique Style Apostles of Jesus Statues Wooden Religious Gift
Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ Statue in contemplation Antique Style Statue Holy Figurine Religious Catholic Statue Jesus Religious Gifts
Sacred Heart of Jesus Wooden Statue, Jesus Traditional Catholic, Our Lord Statue, Wooden Religious Gifts, Father's Day Gift Catholic Art
Archangel Gabriel Saint Statue Wooden Catholic Icon Religious Icon Handmade Furniture and Decor Religious Art Wood Carving Christian Gifts
Archangel Raphael Wooden Statue Archangel Icon Religious Statues Orthodox Icon Religious Icons Wood Carving Catholic Statue Christmas Gifts
Joan of Arc Wooden Statue Religious Figurines Catholic Art Handmade Home Decor and Gifts Wooden Religious Catholic Icons Religious Decor
Jesus Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane Wooden Statue Catholic Gifts Christian Statues Christian Gifts Catholic Holy Statues
Jesus Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Religious Catholic Statue, Wooden Religious Gifts,Housewarming Gift,New Home Gift
Saint Rita wooden Statue Saint figurine Religious Figurines Catholic Art Handmade Home Decor and Gifts Wooden Religious Catholic Icons
St. Paul Wooden Statue Saint Religious Wooden Catholic Icon Saint Statue Handmade Gift Easter Gift Home Decor Catholic Icons Christian Gift
Catholic Diptych wooden Christian Icon Our Lady of Sorrows La Pieta Jesus Catholic Art Handmade Home Decor Spiritual Stuff Orthodox Gift
Catholic Diptych Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary Diptych Icons Orthodox Gifts Travel Gift Pocket Diptych Orthodox Gift
Wooden Catholic Diptych Praying Mary and the Cross Orthodox Gifts Virgin Mary Orthodox Icons Travel Gifts for Women Mother's Day Gifts
Wooden Catholic Diptych of Archangel Michael and Jesus Christ Orthodox Gift Orthodox Icon Home Decor Father's Day Orthodox Icon Diptych