
 The Holy Bible is a sacred text that has influenced the lives of people worldwide for centuries. Within it lies a quote from Matthew 7:7-8, which reads "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." This quote has been interpreted in various ways, and its relevance in modern-day life is still significant. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of this quote and its practical applications in our lives today. 

 The Meaning of the Quote: 

 The quote from Matthew 7:7-8 emphasizes the power of prayer and persistence. It encourages us to ask for what we desire, to seek out answers to our questions, and to persist in our efforts until we achieve our goals. The quote promises that if we pray with faith and persistence, we will receive what we ask for. The quote suggests that we must be active participants in our own lives and that we should not wait for opportunities to come to us. Instead, we should actively seek them out and persist until we achieve success. 

 The Relevance of the Quote in Modern-Day Life: 

 In today's world, the quote from Matthew 7:7-8 remains relevant. It is easy to become discouraged in the face of challenges, setbacks, and failures. However, the quote encourages us to persist in our efforts, even when we face adversity. We should not give up on our goals, dreams, or aspirations, but instead, we should continue to pursue them with faith, determination, and persistence. 

 The quote also reminds us of the power of prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that can provide comfort, guidance, and strength during difficult times. When we pray, we can seek guidance from a higher power and gain clarity on our purpose and goals. Prayer can also help us to overcome fear, doubt, and uncertainty. 

 The quote also emphasizes the importance of being proactive in our lives. We must take action to achieve our goals, rather than waiting for opportunities to come to us. We must actively seek out opportunities and be persistent in our efforts to achieve success. 

 Practical Applications of the Quote: 

 The quote from Matthew 7:7-8 can be applied to various aspects of our lives. For instance, in our careers, we can apply the quote by persistently seeking out opportunities for growth and development. We can actively seek out new projects, roles, or positions that align with our career aspirations. We can also persist in our efforts to develop new skills, build relationships with mentors, and expand our professional networks. 

 In our personal lives, the quote can be applied by persistently seeking out ways to improve our relationships, health, and overall well-being. We can actively seek out opportunities to connect with others, improve our physical and mental health, and cultivate positive habits and behaviors. 


 The quote from Matthew 7:7-8 remains relevant in today's world. It emphasizes the power of prayer, persistence, and proactivity in achieving our goals and aspirations. We should not give up on our dreams, but instead, we should persistently seek out opportunities for growth and development. By applying the quote in our personal and professional lives, we can achieve success and fulfillment, even in the face of challenges and setbacks.