
 The quote "Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with perfect confidence" by Saint Francis de Sales has been a guiding principle for Catholics for centuries. This quote reflects the importance of the Virgin Mary in Catholic tradition and encourages believers to place their trust in her maternal care. In this essay, we will explore this quote from a Catholic perspective and examine how it can be applied to the challenges facing our modern society. 

 Part 1: Mary's Importance in Catholic Tradition 

 Mary is a central figure in Catholic tradition and is venerated as the mother of Jesus. Her role in salvation history is essential to the faith, and her intercession can bring us closer to God. Catholics believe that Mary is a powerful intercessor and a source of comfort and protection. Through her maternal care, she guides and supports us in our spiritual journey. 

 Moreover, Mary's maternal care extends beyond her concern for our spiritual well-being. She also has a deep concern for the poor and marginalized, and her intercession can bring about social justice and alleviate suffering. Her role as a mother and a model of compassion makes her an essential figure for Catholics seeking guidance and support. 

 Part 2: Running to Mary in Troubled Times 

 In our modern society, we face numerous challenges that can cause fear and uncertainty. From the COVID-19 pandemic to social injustices and environmental degradation, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. However, the quote "Let us run to Mary" can offer guidance and comfort in these troubled times. 

 Mary's role as a source of comfort and protection can be especially meaningful during times of crisis. As we navigate the uncertainty and fear of the pandemic, we can turn to Mary for solace and support. By entrusting our worries and fears to her, we can find peace and strength in her maternal embrace. 

 Furthermore, the concept of running to Mary can inspire action in the face of social injustices and environmental issues. Mary's concern for the poor and marginalized can serve as a model for our own advocacy efforts. By running to Mary, we can seek her guidance and inspiration as we work towards a more just and sustainable world. 

 Part 3: Embracing Mary's Maternal Care 

 To fully embrace Mary's maternal care, we must cultivate a childlike faith and trust in her. Just as a child trusts its mother implicitly, we too should trust Mary with complete confidence. This childlike trust and dependence on Mary can lead to a deeper and more meaningful spiritual life. 

 Furthermore, our relationship with Mary should extend beyond private devotion to public advocacy. Mary's concern for the poor and marginalized should inspire us to work towards social justice and the common good. By imitating her compassion and concern for the vulnerable, we can bring about positive change in the world. 


 In conclusion, the quote "Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with perfect confidence" highlights the importance of Mary in the Catholic faith and offers guidance and comfort in our modern society. Mary's maternal care can bring us peace and strength in times of crisis and inspire us to work towards social justice and environmental sustainability. By embracing Mary's maternal care and imitating her concern for the vulnerable, we can deepen our spiritual lives and make a positive impact on the world.